Teacher of the Year went to Lisa Johnson, Health Careers instructor at the GCTC Seminole Campus.
Non-Certified Teacher of the year - Trilbya Anderson, EAGLE Program.
Adult Programs Person of the Year - J Lowden, Postsecondary Counselor.
Support Employee of the Year - Ashley Rodgers, receptionist.
Supt. Marty Lewis was recognized upon his retirement after 14 years service.
Five years service - JoAnne Quantz, Joni Stanley, and Jamie Crouch.
Ten years service - Becky Ponder, Jerrye Nipper, Neisha Haskins, and Aimee Harden.
Fifteen years service - Veronica Wallace.
Twenty years service - Cynthia Coomer, Jeana Shrum, Kimi VanAntwerp, and Marc Chapman.
Thank you GCTC employees for all you do for students and the school!
Non-Certified Teacher of the year - Trilbya Anderson, EAGLE Program.
Adult Programs Person of the Year - J Lowden, Postsecondary Counselor.
Support Employee of the Year - Ashley Rodgers, receptionist.
Supt. Marty Lewis was recognized upon his retirement after 14 years service.
Five years service - JoAnne Quantz, Joni Stanley, and Jamie Crouch.
Ten years service - Becky Ponder, Jerrye Nipper, Neisha Haskins, and Aimee Harden.
Fifteen years service - Veronica Wallace.
Twenty years service - Cynthia Coomer, Jeana Shrum, Kimi VanAntwerp, and Marc Chapman.
Thank you GCTC employees for all you do for students and the school!